In studying the earth, a shining people from the planet of Ethar II , skilled in psychology of earth language, could get some candid satisfaction through consideration about the developments of geopolitical language. The acronym U.S.A. , standing for United States of America, is most commonly reduced-hence widened- to U.S. : not just America, because America is a world mission. What a terrific statement of unity, democracy and peace. If the Etharians's purpose in studying our weird nature was to conquer and elevate us to a loftier civilization, this must brake their plans, for their civilization for sure is aware that technical progress is just a vice in front of such vigorous an ethical conscience. to the contrary, were they to think about colonizing earth in order to enslave us, then their plans would crumble, because one cannot subdue such united a population, we would be their Vietnam. And what about of a huge assertion of freedom that Liberia screams in its own name? That’s the promise landing. So, if the brighting people of Earth History Department of EtharII won’t interfere with the fall guys of the Linguistic department, just as happens in our Accademy that scientists in different disciplines look each others obliquely from opposite corner of lunchroom, this Etharians’s naivety could be prolonged. Could be justified and empowered at least by all the proclamation of Mr Bush Jr the president. Moreover this rum belief would be long lasted and over again strengthened by the important, almost definitive, declaration of the Liberia’s National Legislature, with the unanimous decision of the two houses of legislature, parliament and senate. That' a little state but such a brighting statements! In its noble declaration Liberia establish that their country is at full disposal of US for each use that can reduce their discomfort after 9/11. The Liberia once again honors its own name in being the real country of freedom. It’ s wide open to US just like a saloon with its fan doors, open day and night, just like a motel, open with all its resources, just like a Lovehouse in its inauguration day.
That’s obviously not open to every nation but just to U.S., to the "brave and gallant people of America": that's to say that not all the nations have attested the same discreetness and delicacy in the capitalization of abroad resources. And let’s not forget that for its origins Liberia could likely be reclaimed as the 52nd star in US Flag. It’s one of the most important unwritten rules of modern democracy: you belong to whom has unchained you (no matter if you didn’t ask for help). The allegation of being a base for Al Qaeda, with all the sadly clear consequences that could led, in the case of Liberia has obtained a spectacular result, perhaps with a bit perplexing of the warmongers between Bush entourage, used to gain their business with more tricking.
So this formal act professes that:
"Whereas, on September 11, 2001, the democratic, free and peaceful people of the United States of America were wantonly, unjustifiably and grievously attacked in their home Now, therefore, we, the Senate and the House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, reflecting the collective voice of the people of the Republic of Liberia, resolve That the people of Liberia shall continue to make available to the noble people of the Untied States its land, air space and territorial waters, as well as any other asset which lies within its domain in its search of justice against all aggressors."
The resolution is likely fit to meet the best expectations of Bush administration, for it’is the more generous concession never made in international relationship, excluding the peace treaty signed by defeated country. So in a manner of speaking, that’s the real victory of the preventive war.
True that the grant of Liberian government is not well defined in its terms, and perhaps it could have seemed a little rude just like not to cover the price on a gift. Furthermore the "proud and progressive citizens of the United States" are much more experienced than Liberians in defining equal partnership agreements.
Going on this document shows an international and unselfish vision:
"It is well befitting that the people of the United States - yea, the world - should not forget that an attack on one State is an attack on all States, and that the threat of the peace of one people is the threat to the liberty, peace and freedom of all"
These are not original thoughts, mr Bush has repeated many times similar ones, concerning the nature not geographical nor of terrorism neither of democratic issues.
In this point all terrorism experts and geopolitical thinker agree with Mr Bush or with its ghost writers. What’s not very clear to them is the passage from this presidential conviction to such very geographical and traditional wars.
That’s perplexing too that more than the same Americans do, the Liberian legislators, on behalf of their voters, raise U.S to paradigm of democracy and justice. That’ very nice. It means that Liberian people are able of great thinking. Perhaps they would be disappointed in finding that their acknowledgements are not reciprocal, that 10% of US citizens, and governors, would be able to point Liberia in the right continent. Most of them would search the word in the dictionary before than in the atlas. But U.S. is skilled in focusing its resources, and so why should U.S know where or what Liberia is if Liberia and everyone else knows where and what America is?